When registering, please make your lunch selection from the following choices:
- Chicken Lunch Choice = Chicken Breast Florentine with Green Beans and Roasted Red Bliss Potatoes
- Beef Lunch Choice = London Broil with Burgundy Sauce with Green Beans and Roasted Red Bliss Potatoes
- Vegetarian Lunch Choice = Penne Pasta with Grilled Asparagus & Broccoli
All choices include a Fresh Garden Salad, and Rolls and Butter.
Dress Standards
For this event we ask that everyone please follow the Dress Standards listed on the Fort Belvoir Officers' club
website, thank you.
Please note: MOSCDC & QOSO members are welcome to bring a maximum of two (2) guests to this event.
*All reservations made online must be paid through our online reservations system at the time of check out. This is done via our partnership with PayPal or via our 'Pay by Mail' option. If paying with PayPal you may use your PayPal account, or check out as a guest using a debit/credit card (Visa, MC or Discover card) to make the payment.
If paying by check we encourage you to still use the online system to register, just click on 'Pay by mail' at check out and be sure to mail your check to the address listed in the instructions by the RSVP cut off date.
The MOSCDC would much prefer that all reservations be captured electronically regardless of if you are using your PayPal account, debit/credit (Visa, MC or Discover) card to make the payment or using the 'Pay by mail' feature. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. This really helps us to make our events much easier to manage!
If you would still like to mail in a paper registration form you may download the flyer
here, manually fill it out, and mail it along with a check to the address located on the form.
Guest ticket information:
All spouses of Officers (Active or Retired) are welcome to attend one (1) event as non-members prior to joining.
Non Officers Spouses are welcome to attend one (1) event as a non-members. MOSCDC members must sponsor ticket purchase unless special guest registration is available at time of purchase.
What if I have to cancel my reservation?
100% of your registration fee is refundable if you cancel prior to the RSVP date listed above. AFTER the RSVP date has past, money can only be refunded if your seat has been able to be re-assigned to another member by the MOSCDC Reservations Chair. Please email the MOSCDC
Reservations Chair immediately upon finding out that you have to cancel your reservation. Thank you.