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Walking Tour of Old Town Alexandria

  • April 22, 2015
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Market Square at the intersection of King St. & Fairfax St. Alexandria, VA


  • Use this registration if you are a member of MOSCDC. You can register guests i.e. nonmembers at the nonmember price along with your own registration using this registration.
  • If you are not a member of MOSCDC and would like to attend and register yourself for this event please use this registration to do so.

Registration is closed

FYI: There is a free trolley from the King St Metro station into Old Town. Here's the link: FREE Trolley
This might make it easier for some of our members who like to take the metro.


Click on the picture to enlarge it

General Information:

Guest ticket information:
All spouses of Officers (Active or Retired) are welcome to attend one (1) event as non-members prior to joining.

Non Officers Spouses (civilian or non Officers spouses) are welcome to attend one (1) event as non members with an MOSCDC member. MOSCDC members must sponsor ticket purchase unless special guest registration is available at time of purchase.

We highly encourage all reservations to be made online via our online registration system. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. This really helps to make our events much easier to manage and for you the member to be keep informed of any updates/changes that may occur!

If you would still like to mail in a paper registration form you may download the flyer found in the monthly newsletter, manually fill it out, and mail it to our reservations chair to the address located on the form. Please be aware that all paper reservation forms fall under the same RSVP cutoff date as do the online reservations so please be sure it arrives on or before that stated cutoff date.

What if I have to cancel my reservation?

100% of your registration fee is refundable if you cancel prior to the RSVP date listed above. AFTER the RSVP date has past, money can only be refunded if your seat has been able to be re-assigned to another member by the MOSCDC Reservations Chair. Please email the MOSCDC Reservations Chair immediately upon finding out that you have to cancel your reservation.
Thank you.

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